Friday, 23 September 2011


What I Know
pendidikan - proses pelajar belajar.
instruksi -arahan.
pengajaran-proses penyampaian ilmu kepada pelajar.
teknologi-alat yang memudahkan penyampaian maklumat.
penaksiran-proses mengumpul maklumat tentang apa yang pelajar tahu dan boleh laksanakan.
pembelajaran-proses menerima ilmu dari guru.

What I Want to Know
apakah perkaitan antara semua konsep2 di atas?

How to Find Out
bertanya siapa2 yang tahu, cari di mr. google

What I Learned
pendidikan-proses pelajar mempelajari sesuatu dengan tujuan membangunkan diri atau tingkahlaku.pendidikan boleh jadi formal, non-formal dan informal.
instruksi-arahan dalam menyampaikan maklumat bagi mencapai objektif atau proses memudahcara ke arah objektif yang ditetapkan
pengajaran-guru menyampaikan maklumat serta proses yang berkaitan dengan penyebaran ilmu kemahiran tertentu meliputi aktiviti perancangan, pengelolaan, penyampaian dan penilaian.
teknologi-semua yang boleh dipakai untuk memudah cara atau menyelesaikan masalah penyampaian maklumat (tak semestinya alat)
penaksiran-sama seperti di atas
pembelajaran-proses menerima maklumat dan membina ilmu tersebut dalam diri pelajar.

Sunday, 18 September 2011


The other energy that have potential in Malaysia is biomass. Why do we said that? It is because Malaysia have huge amount of the source for this energy. Biomass energy is made of vegetation such as trees, grasses, plant parts, for example leaves, stems and twigs, and ocean plants. From this source, we can extract a wealth of stored energy. In Malaysia, the waste of palm trees and paddies are 8.5 million tonnes which is can produces 2 million tonnes of fuel (methane). These really a huge amounts. We can uses these energy to produces electricity. We also have many place that suitable to build the biomass plant. For example, Jengka, Pahang. As we know, Pahang was one of the states in Malaysia that have many palm oil plantations. Then, there must also have many waste from these plantations. Beside Pahang, Sarawak, Kedah and Johor also suitable for a place to build biomass reactor because these state have wide area of agriculture such as palm oil plantation and paddies farm.
Biomass is always available and can produced as renewable resource.
Biomass refers to all forms of plant-derived material that can be used for energy such as wood, herbaceous plants,crop and forest residues, animal wastes etc. If people exercise proper conservation techniques, any form of biomass that is harvested to produced energy can be replaced over a period of time. The renewable energy source like  biomass is available in unlimited quantities for unlimited period of time. Hence, if one were to be dependent on biomass there won’t be shortage of biomass as a fuel for them.
Though biomass is a renewable resource, there are limits to how quickly it can be replaced. If people harvest trees for use as fuel or to convert into other form of fuel, those trees will take many years to replace with more trees of equal size. This mean we must focus on our efforts on using plants, grains and other forms of biomass that can replaced quickly and inexpensively. If the basic crops is no longer grown, the source will not available anymore. So, we need to plant more energy crops to get a continuously source for biomass energy.
The use of waste materials reduce landfill disposal and makes more space for everything else.
When we  use wastes, the domestic waste will decreases as well. Then, the land we need for disposal also decreases. So, we can use the land that used to be a disposal site for grow energy crops.
But, we might use the other land that maybe in demand for other porposes, such as farming, conservation, housing, resort or agriculture use.
The fuel is cheap and can use things that we might otherwise throw away. Research is needed to reduce the costs of production of Biomass based fuels.
The number of job created (for production, harvesting and use) and the industrial growth from developing conversion facilities for fuel, industrial feedstock, and power would be enormous. In the end, this will mean a reduction in the emigration rates to urban environment. By providing farmers with stable income, these new markets diversify and strengthen the local economy by keeping income recycling through the community.
It takes more energy to plant, cultivate and harvest the crops and trees than it is worth to get a net energy gain. It also takes up more water from the earth and other fossil fuels to make the fertilizerz and fuels for planting and harvesting. It also, supposedly, takes up more  land for crops and trees.
It can reduce the negative environmental effect. Although it released methane and carbon dioxide which is the greenhouse gases, all crops, including biomass energy crops, detach carbon in the plant and roots while they grow, providing carbon sink. In other word, the greenhouse gases released absorbed by the next crop growing. This is called a closed carbon cycle. Unfortunately, indiscriminate dumping and burning of biomass can give environment pollution because of the emission of smoke, haze hazard and toxic chemicals such as dioxins.
Biomass crops can reduce water pollution and soil erosion. The crops stabilize the soil, thus reducing soil erosion. They also reduce nutrient run-off, which protects aquatic ecosystems.
Financial and technical barriers because we need high initial investment. Beside that, in Malaysia, we have very limited local technologies and equipment for production of biomass energy. We also have poor financial support and no record on biomass industry. Our current technologies also inefficient and polluting.
But, we can collaborate with other country to improve our technologies, for example, with Japan. By the collaboration, we can achieved actual transfer of technology, improvement of current palm oil mill effluent(POME) wastewater treatment, mitigation measures of greenhouse gases emission, generation of renewable energy from methane and promote sustainable development of palm oil industry.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


ada tak sesiapa yang boleh bayangkan?..apa akan terjadi apabila waktu malam tiada lampu..macam mana nak basuh baju, bagi mereka yang biasa menggunakan mesin basuh..bagaimana pula kita nak memasak sekiranya tiada gas atau elektrik?..semua aktiviti harian yang biasa kita lakukan akan terbantut dan serba-serbinya tak menjadi..itu baru kita lihat dari aspek yang biasa kita lakukan..

macam mana pula dengan industri negara atau ekonomi negara?..kebanyakan industri di Malaysia bergantung kepada tenaga elektrik untuk bergerak..jadi, sekiranya tiba-tiba tenaga elektrik di Malaysia kekurangan, sudah tentu kegiatan dalam bidang industri ini juga akan terhenti atau berkurang dan seterusnya menyebabkan ekonomi negara juga akan jatuh..

tenaga nuclear adalah tenaga yang terhasil daripada bahan radioaktif melalui proses 'nuclear fission' dimana atom akan terpisah untuk membentuk atom yang lebih kecil. tenaga yang terhasil melalui proses ini adalah sangat banyak. bahan radioaktif yang biasa digunakan di loji nuclear ialah uranium,U-235 kerana sifat atomnya yang senang terpisah.

tenaga nuclear boleh dijadikan sebagai sumber tenaga yang utama di Malaysia sekiranya mempunyai tempat yang sesuai disamping mengambil langkah keselamatan yang kukuh dengan mengambilkira akan kemungkinan bencana alam yang akan berlaku agar tidak berlaku kebocoran..namun begitu, sebelum membuat keputusan untuk menjadikan tenaga nuclear sebagai tenaga utama, kita juga harus mengambil kira sumber tenaga lain seperti biomass, tenaga solar, hidroelektrik dan tenaga-tenaga lain yang berpotensi di Malaysia bagi menggantikan petroleum yang semakin berkurang.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Apakah yang telah saya pelajari hari ini?..

Kami di dedahkan dengan penaksiran iaitu satu proses mengumpul maklumat atau data berkaitan dengan apa yang pelajar tahu dan boleh lakukan. Penaksiran ini terbahagi kepada dua iaitu 'assessment for learning' dan 'assessment of learning'. 'Assessment for learning' termasuklah melakukan penaksiran diri sendiri(self-assessment) serta penaksiran sesama pelajar (peer assessment) menggunakan kaedah 'rubric'.

Apakah pula bendanya 'rubric' ini?..
'Rubric' adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengumpul data tadi. Kita boleh bertanya berbagai soalan bagi mengumpul maklumat yang tepat dan boleh dipercayai. 

Mengapakah penaksiran penting?..
Ia penting kerana kita tidak boleh membuat keputusan berdasarkan pendapat seorang, tetapi perlu juga mengambil kira pendapat orang lain. Dengan menggunakan penaksiran ini, kita boleh mengetahui akan pendapat orang lain yang mana mungkin lebih baik dari pendapat yang seorang.

Penaksiran ini penting untuk kita ketahui dalam melakukan Project Based Learning (PBL) dimana kita perlu mencari maklumat untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat dan keputusan yang boleh kita ambil.

Monday, 12 September 2011

what is energy?

this is my first entry..ngee~~~
I want to discuss about energy today..what do you know about energy?..
From what I know, energy is a conserved quantity, that is, the total amount of energy in the universe is a constant. Energy is not created or destroyed but just converted or redistributed from one form to another. such as from wind energy into electrical energy, or from chemical energy into heat.

Energy is the key ingredient to any activity. Adequacy of energy supply is important for acceleration of economic development and to facilitate our daily activity. Consumption of energy however produces some undesirable impact on the environment and climate.

In Malaysia, the largest energy resource is petroleum. This resource is a non-renewable energy and being actively exploited. If we do not take any action from now, Malaysia might experience shortage of energy when this source finished or lesser.  Therefore, we need to find another energy resource that suitable to replace petroleum as a dominant energy source.